Leaving You Behind

It started quite slowly, you asked me my name
Back then I thought it was only a game.
I gave you my number, you called the same day
My only regret is you're so far away.

I knew I'd be leaving, but there's no rejoice
It's just in my dreams, now, that I hear your voice!
I close my eyes and imagine your touch;
I didn't believe I would miss you this much.

I drift into dreamland and pretend that you're here,
I can almost see you in your motorbike gear,
You pull up beside me and screech to a stop,
I feel your eyes on me, god you look hot!

You take off your helmet and draw me up close,
The passion runs thru me, right down to my toes.
I feel you caress me, your lips touching mine.
Did I make the right choice when I left you behind?

Written July 1998
